VESDA is a laser based smoke detector, which means it is a very good smoke detector! VESDA smoke detectors have been operating in specialist fire... Continue reading
A water detection system for detecting water and activating an alarm is provided. The water detection system includes an alarm relay and a water sensor.... Continue reading
A public address system (PA system) is an electronic amplification system with a mixer, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to reinforce a sound source, e.g., a... Continue reading
Home security is an issue which must be of a significant concern to everyone. Whether a person buys a cheap home security system or an... Continue reading
Fire detection systems are designed to discover fires early in their development when time will still be available for the safe evacuation of occupants. Early detection... Continue reading
CCTV surveillance systems play an important role in fighting and preventing local and international crime. Besides fighting terrorism, CCTV security systems installed in public places... Continue reading